
Klipspringer hunting in Namibia

Klipspringer hunt in Africa

Klipspringer antelope hunting in Namibia

A mature trophy is considered to be a male klipspringer “past its prime”.


Minimum caliber:
.243 (or equivalent in mm) / 1350 joules


Did you know?

To regulate their body temperature, the hairs from the fur are hollow. They also walk on the toes of their hooves. Hunting is very exciting and challenging, as the small antelopes are extremely alert and often stay undetected.

Indigenous to Namibia

Historical habitat ranget in Hilly, rocky & mountainous areas of southern, central north-western Namibia

Discover all unfenced farms with good population
Indigenous & unfenced

Discover all hunting farms with a high free-range population of Klipspringer antelopes

the eco hunter jagdfarm klein erongo sonnenuntergang damm schoener ausblick berge
Region Erongo

Erongo hunting farm #4

✓ perfect for small groups & families
✓ outstanding cuisine made from ingredients harvested on site
✓ comfortable farmhouse style with pool
✓ great biodiversity in open savannah areas and rugged mountains

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Region Erongo

Erongo hunting farm #5

✓ perfect for a maximum of two adventurers who love the rustic & traditional hunt
✓ natural hunting areas (without cattle/farm operations)
✓ accommodation in safari tents
✓ hunting moments in unique nature that leave a lasting impression

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